Friday, November 14, 2008

Fugly gives fodder...

"dawdler said...
OT, BUT . . .

A woman from Windsor, Ontario just plead guilty to two counts of animal cruelty after starving seven dogs (two dogs died). She was fined $1000 and was banned for LIFE from ever owning dogs again. Hopefully this will become the norm in all animal abuse cases, at least in Ontario . . .


All I can say is, wow. That is a policy I'd like to see enforced in the US. How helpful would that be...?


Anonymous said...

Can't we just starve her? If I ever met someone convicted (or not) of animal cruelty....

mommyof3 said...

All I can say is "it's about time!" Jeez, it seems like so many animal abusers are given a slap on the wrist and let go, only to do it all over again, because there is no enforcement. I hope this IS something that they enforce, and make unannounced visits to her house to make sure she doesnt' get any more pets.

Hyena Overlord said...

Starve her. It should be an international law..where is peta btw?...

My dog is a puppy mill dog...had diahhrea his first week with us. Cats are recycled too.

If I have to have my freakin' car inspected every year to the tune of $100 bucks..why can't we licence and inspect breeders in Canada?

lifelovepitbulls said...

it makes me so happy that oklahoma has made any animal abuse charge a felony....i put someone behind bars for beating and starving a dog.

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Ontario just made their animal cruelty laws tougher this summer. THere has been controversy that it is not tough enough ....

